Directed by Denis Villeneuve, screenplay by Eric Heisserer. Paramount Pictures, 2016.
Beginning definitely reminded me of the trauma from Up, Pixar.
The Sanskrit word for war
Dow drops 2,000 when the extraterrestrials arrive… BUY THE DIPPPPPP!!!!
Dr. Banks to Ian, “you can’t just ask them about their science dude!! so inapropro”
Were their orange hazard suits the inspiration for the Among Us game?
They only sent two experts? A linguist/translator and a theoretical physicist? No Biologist?
The current bar for having the translator job was not passing out lol (I would totally pass out).
The depiction of the US during the events is accurate, the cultists would be losing their minds and running rampant.
She almost got me with the Kangaroo is Aborigine for “idk” hahaha.
China is like, “we gonna take a swing at’em”
Abbott and Costelloooo
The military medic guy was REALLY into pumping people full of immuno-supplement boosters.
The Alien’s to Dr. Banks, “yoooooo come chiiiiillll”
“I just realized why my husband left me.” “You were married??”